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Category Archives: Divorce


The Rise Of The “Gray Divorce”: Why Is It Happening, And What Financial Considerations Are Important?

By William Wallshein P.A. |

In the last 25 years, the number of “gray divorces”—i.e. those after the age of 50—have skyrocketed. One in four people divorcing is 50 years or older, and this group has more than doubled, and more than half of these couples have been married for more than 20 years. Why is this the case?… Read More »

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The Importance of Changing Financial Advisers during the Divorce Process

By William Wallshein P.A. |

When you are in the midst of divorce, it can often be very difficult to think about all of the other changes that need to be made in your life, such as making changes to the financial professionals that you consult with. However, in some circumstances, making a true, “clean break” means obtaining independence… Read More »

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With Alimony Payment Tax Deduction Disappearing, Many Couples Are Rushing To Finalize Divorce

By William Wallshein P.A. |

A number of Americans are rushing to get a divorce before the end of 2018, and with good reason: As of 2019, when the new tax law (the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” or “Act”) goes into effect, alimony payments will no longer be tax-deductible for the payer. Some experts are predicting that this… Read More »

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The Seven Deadliest Financial Mistakes You Can Make During Divorce

By William Wallshein P.A. |

As attorneys who focus on practicing in family law, we see a lot of couples make unwise financial decisions before, during, and after divorce; decisions that can have long-term repercussions on their lives. This is understandable, given that, for many, divorce is a time of emotional upheaval, and it can be difficult to think… Read More »

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Unexpected Reasons to Get a Prenuptial Agreement

By William Wallshein P.A. |

Prenuptial agreements (“prenups”) have long suffered from a number of myths, such as the assumption that you only need one if you have a large trust or piece of real estate to hold onto. In reality, prenups are on the rise amongst everyone, and you might very well be surprised at some of the… Read More »

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Even Though the Alimony Deduction Is Disappearing, There Are Strategic Tax Advantages in Divorce

By William Wallshein P.A. |

There are currently a number of couples who are worried that their divorces won’t be finalized before the end of the year, and therefore, they may not be able to take advantage of the alimony tax deduction, which disappears as of January 1, 2019 via the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. However, even if… Read More »

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How to Deal With Financial Issues That Come Up With Your Ex after Divorce

By William Wallshein P.A. |

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to anticipate every single financial situation that will come up after a divorce when you share a child. Even if custody and child support is figured out, it doesn’t address who will pay for summer camp, college, a new phone or car for your child if needed, etc. Many… Read More »

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The Most Common Surprises During & After Divorce

By William Wallshein P.A. |

When it comes to divorce, TV and movies can provide us with a lot of misconceptions about the process—one of those misconceptions being that it is always an easy, simple process. We’ve worked with countless clients here in Florida – helping them to get through the divorce process – while protecting both themselves and… Read More »

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Ways to “Divorce-Proof” Your Business

By William Wallshein P.A. |

As attorneys who regularly advise clients contemplating divorce here in Florida, we see a number of people concerned about what’s going to happen to their business in the event of divorce. After years of hard work starting and developing your own business, to lose some of it in divorce – or have to give… Read More »

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