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Category Archives: Criminal Law

Bill to Expand Juvenile Diversion

By William Wallshein P.A. |

April 22, 2015 Juveniles often make foolish choices. Unfortunately, sometimes those choices involve illegal activities and lead to encounters with the law. A criminal record can be seriously detrimental to a young person. But under Florida law, law enforcement officers may issue civil citations to juveniles who have committed first-offense misdemeanors, instead of arresting… Read More »

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What Do Grand Juries Do?

By William Wallshein P.A. |

April 17, 2015 A grand jury is an agency of the court, composed of 15 to 21 citizens. They determine whether there is probable cause in a criminal case, and if they find that there is probable cause, they indict, or formally accuse, the suspect. Grand juries may also report on the public welfare,… Read More »

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What Is a Grand Jury?

By William Wallshein P.A. |

April 15, 2015 Marc Wabafiyebazu, a Canadian diplomat’s son, was arrested recently after a shooting. The 15-year-old and his 17-year-old brother called drug dealers to buy two pounds of marijuana. A shootout followed, during which the older brother and a 17-year-old suspected drug dealer were killed. A grand jury will convene to determine whether… Read More »

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Florida’s Motor Vehicle Theft Laws

By William Wallshein P.A. |

April 9, 2015 Police in St. Petersburg have recently warned citizens to lock up their cars and valuables because of a recent rash of car thefts. Police attributed the thefts to students on spring break. In one recent weekend, there were 18 auto thefts and 44 auto burglaries, which is approximately double the numbers… Read More »

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Slungshot Legalization Makes Headway in Florida

By William Wallshein P.A. |

April 7, 2015 In Florida, the rise in popularity of the slungshot has made the legislature reconsider the law making it illegal to carry concealed slungshots. A slungshot is a length of rope, the end of which is knotted over a weight such as a steel ball or rock. Traditionally, sailors used them to… Read More »

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The Exclusionary Rule of Search and Seizure: An Overview

By William Wallshein P.A. |

April 2, 2015 The prohibition against unlawful search and seizure is fundamental to our country’s justice system. Both the U.S. and the Florida Constitutions guarantee freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement officers. Sometimes, however, police officers and other officials violate this rule, and sometimes that leads to the discovery of evidence that would not… Read More »

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Child Pornography Laws in Florida

By William Wallshein P.A. |

March 31, 2015 Daniel Scott Saull, a youth basketball coach for the city of Boca Raton, was arrested recently and charged with possession of child pornography. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office traced images of child pornography to Saul’s IP address, and found pictures and videos of children, mostly girls, engaging in sexual acts with… Read More »

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Proposed Changes in Florida’s Direct File Law

By William Wallshein P.A. |

March 26, 2015 Rep. Katie Edwards, D-Plantation, is sponsoring a bill that would limit the instances in which juveniles can be tried as adults in Florida. House Bill 783 would limit the use of “direct file,” or charging a juvenile as an adult. Currently, prosecutors may charge juveniles who are at least fourteen years old as… Read More »

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Concealed Carry Laws in Florida

By William Wallshein P.A. |

March 22, 2015 The Florida House Criminal Justice Committee recently approved HB 4005, a proposal to permit the concealed carry of firearms on college campuses. Lawmakers began reconsidering the ban after a November shooting at Florida State University. However, the bill is likely to face opposition in the Senate. Florida is one of twenty states with… Read More »

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Community Corrections

By William Wallshein P.A. |

May 20, 2015 In Florida, there are several alternatives to jail time available. Depending on the type of offense, an offender may be able to avoid incarceration by complying with certain conditions and restrictions. Probation Probation is court-ordered supervision for a specified period of time, which may not exceed the maximum sentence available for… Read More »

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