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Can There Be Reasonable Doubt That You Sold Drugs To An Undercover Police Officer?
If police catch you with a large quantity of a controlled substance in your possession, the odds are in your favor that you can get the charges downgraded to simple possession, provided that the quantity of the drugs was the only thing that made prosecutors believe that you intended to sell them. Things are… Read More »

Socioeconomic Class And The Outcomes Of Criminal Cases
The real fun in hate watching content about wealthy people lies not in seeing all the things they have that you will never be able to afford, but rather in seeing the things that money cannot buy. Money cannot buy true friendship, and it cannot buy self-acceptance; you have as good a chance of… Read More »

Pathos, Logos, Ethos, And Your Criminal Defense Case
When you plead not guilty and your criminal case goes to trial, you are counting on your lawyer being able to persuade the jury that there is reasonable doubt about your guilt. How do lawyers make persuasive arguments? They do not do it by magic. Part of your lawyer’s success takes place before the… Read More »

Drug Delivery Resulting In Death
The after-school specials that were the bread and butter of aspiring actors and television producers in the 1980s and an inexhaustible source of stoner entertainment in the 1990s and beyond draw a short and direct line between first experimentation with illicit drugs and an early and painful death. In real life, the path is… Read More »

Broward Woman Convicted Of Fraud After Small Business Loan Investment Scheme
The good news about Ponzi schemes is that they are not as insidious as pyramid schemes. In a Ponzi scheme, the person soliciting payment misleads others into believing that they are paying money to him or her for an investment, in which the payors will eventually receive a return, whereas the speaker knows that… Read More »

Online Solicitation Charges Usually Are Not A Matter Of Entrapment
The law treats Internet sex crimes against minors seriously. You can get a felony conviction and be required to register as a sex offender for online solicitation of a minor, even if you never met the minor in person and have never been in the same room together. Charges of online solicitation apply if… Read More »

When Does The Law Require You To Tell Police Your Name?
You have the right to remain silent, except when you don’t. It is possible to face criminal penalties for refusing to tell a police officer your name or to show a government-issued identification card in situations where the law requires this. Police officers have the right to ask you your name if they are… Read More »

Introducing Medetomidine, The Most Recent Addition To The Illegal Drug Supply
For good reason, most people consider opioids the hardest of hard drugs. They are among the most addictive substances around; perhaps only nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, is more addictive. Opioid overdose can cause life-threatening respiratory depression, and for the past several years, the synthetic opioid fentanyl has caused more fatal overdoses than… Read More »

What Does The Decline In Fentanyl Deaths Mean For Your Drug Case?
Fear has always been a key ingredient in the criminal process when it comes to drug cases. At trials, prosecutors play on jurors’ fears of how things might have gotten worse if police had not arrested the defendant and confiscated the drugs when they did? They say, “This bag of powder contained fentanyl. If… Read More »

Credit Card BIN Attacks
Most financial crimes are not as elaborate as identity theft. It is possible to cause financial losses simply by stealing someone’s credit card or credit card information, and there are plenty of ways to do this, from surreptitiously photographing a card number from a credit card or a document where the number is written… Read More »