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Drug Sales To Undercover Cops Do Not Always Lead To An Immediate Arrest


In the movies, you often see undercover police officers buy drugs from a career drug dealer, or even from an everyman whose financial circumstances have gotten so bad that he is willing to sell his prescription ADHD pills, and as soon as the money and the drugs have changed hands, the police flash their badges and the handcuffs come out.  This is not always how things unfold in real life.  You might sell drugs to an undercover cop and then go on to have a normal day, a normal week, a normal month, or even a normal year.  You might sell to your usual round of drug buddies, and you might even make more sales to the person that you eventually find out is an undercover cop.  Perhaps you even find a way to put your drug selling days behind you; maybe you get sober and live with your parents, while working at a job that doesn’t pay much, but at least it’s legal.  As long as the statute of limitations has not expired, you can still face charges for a crime that happened a long time ago.  If you have just discovered that the person that you sold drugs to on the worst day of your life was an undercover police officer, contact a West Palm Beach drug offenses lawyer.

What Happens Before, During, and After an Undercover Police Officer Buys Drugs?

In November 2022, Ja’Vion RaShard Jackson sold a substantial stash of drugs to an undercover police officer, the purchase included more than a pound of methamphetamine, 52 grams of fentanyl, some cocaine, and some dextromethorphan with codeine cough syrup.  The officer used this purchase as evidence of probable cause when requesting a warrant to search Jackson’s residence.

The warrant authorized police to search two locations where police suspected Jackson of engaging in drug distribution activities, and they conducted the search in January 2023.  At the first location, they found MDMA, marijuana, and unspecified prescription pills.  At the second location, they found fentanyl, methamphetamine, and promethazine cough syrup with codeine, in other words, the same drugs Jackson had sold to the undercover officer.  In August 2023, Jackson, 23, pleaded guilty to three counts of distribution of controlled substances, plus one count of conspiracy to distribute 500 grams or more of methamphetamine, 40 grams or more of fentanyl, and promethazine with codeine.  Promethazine with codeine is the active ingredient in lean.  At his sentencing hearing in November 2023, he received a sentence of ten years and five months in prison.  After his release, he must spend five years on supervised release, which is a type of probation for people who have recently been released from prison.

Contact a West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

Attorney William Wallshein has more than 38 years of experience, including five years as a prosecutor in Palm Beach County.  Contact William Wallshein P.A. in West Palm Beach, Florida to discuss your case.



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